
TSU Commencement Date Nearing !

For seniors graduating this semester, commencement date is near. On Saturday Dec. 7th Tennessee State University (TSU) will host its Fall 2019 commencement at 8 a.m. in the Gentry Center Complex. Graduating students are urged to make sure they not only click on the “apply to graduate” tab on the “mytsu website” and fill out the application but to also register for a date and time to take the senior exit exam. These are two important actions that must be completed during the semester the current student is set to graduate prior to the graduation date.

Graduating students were also responsible for signing up for a cap and gown by either going to the bookstore or filling out the information online. The bookstore will issue out the cap and gowns on Dec. 2nd starting at 8 a.m.

Seniors are urged to double check with their advisors to make sure they do not have any classes missing and to also make sure they have zero holds on their student account and no balance for these slight reasons could postpone the expected graduation time.

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