
Amazon is hiring 30,000 workers. Here’s how to find out more

By Kathryn Vasel, CNN Business

(CNN) — Amazon is looking to fill 30,000 jobs and, to help accomplish that goal, it plans to host career days in six cities across the US next week.

The open spots span a variety of skill and experience levels, from entry-level positions at Amazon’s fulfillment centers to software development engineers. All of the jobs are permanent, and most of them are full-time posts. They all pay at least $15 an hour with benefits.

Amazon’s Career Day will take place on September 17 in Arlington, Virginia (the location of the company’s second headquarters), as well as in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Nashville and its hometown of Seattle. The company said it expects to see significant growth in these cities in the future.

Attendees will be able to speak to current Amazon employees to learn more about the company and attend resume and interview workshops. Participants can also learn about selling their own products on Amazon and how to start a business delivering packages.

“You can mix and talk with Amazon employees to get their take on what it’s like to work at the company and what their journey has been like from a career perspective,” said Ardine Williams, vice president of workforce development.

No actual interviews will take place at the events, however.

“People are curious what it is like to work at the company and what kind of roles are open,” said Williams. “After they’re done, they can apply for a role and will be much more comfortable applying and pursuing a role after participating in the workshops.”

Amazon’s hiring process varies by job, but can include an online application, assessment, phone interview and in-person interview.

It’s been a tough labor market for companies looking to hire. The unemployment rate was 3.7% last month and the economy has gained jobs for 107 consecutive months.

“The best way to fill [these roles] is to reach out and have potential candidates come in and learn more about the company,” said Williams.

Amazon said it will start hiring for the holiday season in the coming weeks.

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