
Focus on the 615 Entrepreneurs

Welcome to Nashville, TN where there are a growing population with a wide range of different people. With this growth there are a lot of new businesses flourishing and giving the city of Nashville more to get out and enjoy. Everyday there is a person that has an idea that they either are in love with or they think would be helpful for their targeted audience.

We simply call those people entrepreneurs.

The real definition of entrepreneurs is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. I think entrepreneurs are more important than people think. They are people that supply anyone of any age group different services, products, or activities that people need and want.

With articles to come I will give you different businesses in the city of Nashville that you can support and enjoy. For people that may have just moved here or the Nashville Natives that may be looking for something new/different to try out.

Mostly I will shine light on those slept on or smaller African American business owners. Some that have the potential of being bigger and greater and some newer businesses. There will be different types of businesses that will be included so I hope you enjoy and that I’m able to help in some way.

Tranesha Lee is an entrepreneur and a student at Tennessee State University.  

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