
#2018InReview: ‘We love ya, we just don’t trust ya’

By ERIC BROWN | Nashville Voice

From music, fashion, all the way to Black Twitter, people love, to love, Black culture. It’s the thing to use Black lingo and perform the latest dance that goes viral from Black culture. We officially know Hip Hop is the most listened genre of music around the world.

In Nashville, it so easy to hear people happily ready to tell you about getting food from Slim and Husky’s or grabbing a drink from Minerva Ave. Being around Black Culture, talking about Black Culture, and enjoying Black Culture, is too awesome! From watching Beyonce transforming her performance into an HBCU homecoming to Migos and Drake bringing back Soul Train, Black Culture is the epitome of Cool.

We love Black Culture, but in 2019, can we trust not only Black Culture but the members of the culture too? As much as it sounds good to say this to Non-black cultures, this question is actually for those who reside in Black Culture. Black folks love to be Black until we need to do the work to elevate the culture.

This article is not just talking about blocking freeways with black bodies that want to be recognized before being shot down in acts of injustice. In this article, it is not talking about using social media platforms to deliver post about criticizing institutions that continue to uphold unfairness.

Can we support black businesses, black organizations, black entrepreneurs, black banks, black dentists, black doctors, black CPAs, black organizers, and black religious and non-religious institutions, for the sake of the community even after death?

If Black Culture was a person, it’s easy to look at her beauty and talent, but can she be allowed to show off her intelligence and strategy to lead her people into a higher level to thrive and not only survive?

It’s great to sell out theaters to watch the brilliant film, “The Black Panther” in colorful dashikis (that we hope are not made in China). It’s great to hold up black fist in selfies, but does that equal trust in the community?

There is no doubt that Black people love the Black community, but do Black people trust it? Do Black folks stop going to a certain restaurants because too many Black folks are now there? That’s a question to Black People about Black People.

Does the Black Community get treated with great customer service to attract them to come back to support Black businesses? That still a question for Black folks to answer about Black folks?

Do Black people have a higher value in education because their degrees come from a Private White Institution over a Historically Black College or University? Do we hire quality Black workers or hire Black firms by giving them the same expectation and grace given to others with a different hue? black-owned

The word trust comes from an Old Norse word that means to rely on, to have confidence in, and to protect and support. In 2019, can Black people rely on Black people to create or build industries that are not just as worthy as the food, alcohol, clothes, and barber/beauty shops?

Maybe black grocery stores, black tech companies, or black owned cargo vehicles are needed to create stronger local and international economic networks. The Black Nashville Chamber of Commerce is working to do just this type of project.

Are there confident people who are ready to run as community leaders who are not afraid to run on their values, authenticity, and straightforward beliefs to better all of Nashville as a council member, mayor, or even a Black District Attorney. Since the 2016 election, it seems that there is more interest in politics within younger generations.

Groups like the Equity Alliance, The Tennessee Black Voter Project, Davidson County Black Democratic Caucus, Emerge, and New Leader’s Council all have an opportunity to make this dream a reality.

Will the Black community support and protect its rich history in Nashville through the arts, music, economic power, and education? These endeavors are happening through organizations like Creatives Day, the Norf Collective,  Knowledge Bank, and The Jefferson Street Art Crawl. It can help happen by supporting colleges like American Baptist College, Fisk University, Meharry College, and Tennessee State University not only on homecoming week, but throughout the year.

This can only happen when Black People support all areas of Black Culture and not just some of the Black Culture. If there are Black Organizers, be okay with connecting with Black Business Leaders.

It’s to support the culture if everyone in the culture looks at others as the enemy. Look to one another. If there are a Black Academicians, it’s okay to connect with Black Religious Leaders.

The Black Community is diverse in age, class, aesthetics, faith, sexuality, politic, and so much more. It’s hard to be pro-black and only protect part of the Black Community?

In 2019, be very intentional about not only your expectations of Black folks in the community. Also be intentional in your habits and patterns of showing your trust in the community as well.

One thing is for sure, Black Culture is always good at getting all people on the bandwagon. Let’s get Black folks on its own bandwagon through supporting, protecting, being steadfast and firm in Black Culture.

It can be done through Black money, through Black time, through Black talents, and through Black support. Let’s make TRUST a trend in the Black Culture, too.

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